
four students won the Excellence Award in the International Students Group of the Fifth Chinese Classics Recitation Competition in Hubei Province



    Yellow Crane Tower, located in the city of rivers, has a thousand years of poetic charm. This ancient building, famous all over the world because of the poem "The yellow crane never returns, the white cloud is empty for thousands of years", has been presented in the movie "Chang An", and its cultural heritage has once again amazed the world. With "Selected Poems from Yellow Crane Tower" as the theme, the International Student Management Office, School of International Education actively organized international students to participate in the "Read China" Classic Recitation Competition of the Fifth Chinese Classic Recitation, Writing and Speaking Competition.



  International students from Indonesia, Kazakhstan, Ghana,Mongolia and other countries not only showed good basic and professional skills in voice intonation, language expression and emotion conveyance during the preparation for the competition, but also presented the cultural connotation and spirituality contained in the works perfectly in front of the audience. They used Chinese as the medium and classic poems as the carrier, and used the power of voice to deliver the classic works such as the poetry and culture of Yellow Crane Tower to a wider audience. Through this competition, the contestants not only improved their Chinese language proficiency and expression ability, but also gained a deeper understanding of the essence and connotation of Chinese culture. At the same time, they spread Chinese culture with practical actions and promoted Chinese and foreign cultural exchanges and mingling. 

   As General Secretary Xi Jinping said, "As a new form of human civilization, Chinese-style modernization, drawing on each other and other civilizations around the globe, will certainly greatly enrich the hundred gardens of world civilization." This not only highlights the vitality and inheritance of Chinese culture, but also embodies the exchange and mutual learning between Chinese culture and world civilization.



    今年湖北省决赛中,hg0088最新地址国际学生Paramitha Jessica(周梦媛)、Dorjsuren Namuun(娜木恩)、Gordeyeva Yekaterina (高净丽)、Appiah Emmanuel(艾以马)四位同学凭借作品《黄鹤楼诗词选》获得第五届中华经典诵读大赛湖北省决赛留学生组的优秀奖。通过诵读中国经典诗词,让国际学生们感受到中国传统文化的独特魅力,这种魅力不仅体现在文化层面,也体现在人类共同价值的层面。

 The "Recite China" Classic Recitation Competition is one of the important events of the Chinese Classic Recitation, Writing and Speaking Competition sponsored by the Ministry of Education and the State Language Commission, and co-organized by the Department of Language and Literature Application Management of the Ministry of Education, the Science and Education Channel of CCTV, and the China Education Online Platform. 

    In this year's Hubei Provincial Final, our international students Paramitha Jessica, Dorjsuren Namuun, Gordeyeva Yekaterina and Appiah Emmanuel won the Fifth Chinese Classics Recitation Competition with their work "Selected Poems from the Yellow Crane Tower". The four students won the Excellence Award in the International Students Group of the Fifth Chinese Classics Recitation Competition in Hubei Province. Through reciting Chinese classic poems, international students can feel the unique charm of traditional Chinese culture, which is not only reflected in the cultural level, but also in the level of common values of human beings.

  供稿:蔡 偲

  编辑:林 龙

 审稿:李 理